Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Grapes of Ralph

It turns out that Wine Wednesday and moving day are on the same day this week- which calls for a toast- 

"May our house always be too small to hold all of our friends."

That seems apropos considering we’re still in the RV.

But back to moving.

It’s pretty simple since the house is on wheels and our bikes can be tossed inside and the plants can go in the car as we move to the beach. In fact, since we have moved five times in the last five years- before we bought the rig- this has been the easiest move yet!

Now, you’re probably wondering how we are moving our wine collection. (Snort.)

You might think that we hired a professional wine shipper , but Ralph has that covered. 

Besides, our wine collection is in the towel closet and he only has to make sure our two bottles of Opolo 2011 Petit Verdot and the bottle of Silver Oak 2011 Napa Valley Cab and my last bottle of 2013 Chardonnay from Karma Vineyards in Lake Chelan don’t smack together. And of course, when we open the closet, the wine doesn’t fly out onto the floor.
Drinking wine in Lake Chelan.

Our other wines- the Dead Nuts and the bottle of Sofa King Bueno from Chronic Cellars  and the bottle of Black Pearl Maximus Syrah 2010 from Black Jack Ranch in Los Olivos are somewhere near the spare tire, and Ralph assures me they are safe.

I trust him, because he’s a pro at moving AND drinking wine.

Ralph drinking in his new favorite pub at the beach.

"The Sofa King Bueno is fruit forward with hearty whiffs of vanilla and spice and it goes well with food, which is a good thing."

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