Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Wandering Widow- Day 17

Last year on my birthday Ralph planned an entire day of fun.

I'm not so sure I appreciated it.

My birthday is in January, and we never had much money for jewelry or fancy gifts so I could be a little pissy about the day, but he usually had something fun planned.

For my 60th last year, we got up early (for him anyway,) and jumped on the Coronado Ferry. We then took a brisk walk to an old diner called, Claytons- an old-time coffee shop- and ate a hearty breakfast.

We walked back along the beach and jumped back on the ferry and drove to Balboa Park, and meandered through the art museum and a few others.

After the park, we went back to the beach house and...took a nap.

After a while, we changed into nicer clothes and he took me to happy hour at Mr. A's- fancy!
We then went to a movie (no idea what we saw) and back home again where he cooked me a steak dinner.

 I had no idea that would be the last birthday I would ever celebrate with my funny, creative husband.

This memory will last me forever, which is a birthday present that will keep on giving.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Candi! Yes, last year's birthday was a full day of memories. Keep those memories alive this year and a toast to Ralph as you remember. Jot it down, keep it always. Love to you on your Birthday!
