Monday, January 21, 2019

The Wandering Widow- Day 23

There is some weird ju-ju that follows me on the highway from Santa Fe to Sedona.

Today started out innocent enough with a lovely sunrise and no traffic. Once I hit the  Gallup, NM area (the murder capital of New Mexico) things started to go, er, south.

The winds kicked up to high gear- 70 mph the news just informed me. Trucks were serpenting all over the freeway, emergency lights flashing. Red sand was flying and the tumbleweeds were tumbling right at me.

I white-knuckled it for more than 100 miles, and in Arizona, it started to rain- for about 10 seconds- when it turned to snow.

I thought I was going to finally have to put on my chains- in Arizona!

I made my way down Oak Creek Canyon and to my swanky hotel suite in Sedona. (Thanks, Expedia.)

Last time I made that drive I was an invalid passenger and it was a week after my fall/surgery on my wrist/elbow. I was a mess- high on Oxycodone and freaked about every bump in the road.

My poor husband was as patient as he could be, but we had an argument in a parking lot in Albuquerque, (my fault) a blow-out outside Gallup, stuck on the train tracks (my fault) when, exasperated, he sent me to the back of the RV to nap- sans seatbelt-in my bed.

Later, he pulled into a nice, quiet campground, took me for a walk, sang to me and later helped me shower and washed my hair.

I felt lucky when I pulled into Sedona today. I didn't realize it two years ago, but back then, I was even luckier.

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